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What is RO DBT?

Radically Open Dialectical Behavior Therapy (RO DBT) is an evidenced-based treatment targeting excessive self-control. Overcontrol (OC) has been linked to social isolation, poor interpersonal functioning, hyper-perfectionism, rigidity, risk aversion, lack of emotional expression, and difficult to treat mental health problems such as obsessive compulsive disorder, restrictive eating disorders, treatment resistant anxiety, chronic depression, chronic anxiety and more. 

RO DBT specifically works towards building the three important aspects of emotional well-being: openness to new experiences, flexibility in an ever changing environment, and social connectedness. We do this through targeting biotemperament.  OC individuals are "threat sensitive" meaning they may see the negative rather than the positive first.  By working with this biology rather than ignoring it, change begins to happen.

Helping Hand

Are you overcontrolled?

Threat Sensitivity, Excessive Self Control, Inhibited Emotional Expression, Detail Focus

Many of our RO DBT clients know they are OC as soon as we start exploring OC traits like being a perfectionist, finding it hard to relax, trouble connecting with others, problems expressing emotions, and emotionally leaking when they don't expect it.

They also report being dutiful about tasks till the point of exhaustion, avoiding risks and novelty, planning ahead, following rules, feeling unappreciated, and struggle to be playful.

Final Dish Arrangements

What types of issues are treated through RO DBT?


​While this is not an exhaustive list of the symptoms OC clients report, it contains some of most common ones. RO DBT treatment is tailored to each client's unique issues.

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Trouble Relaxing

  • Paranoia and Mistrust

  • Rumination and Over Thinking

  • Social Isolation

  • Loneliness 

  • Restrictive Eating

  • Over Exercising ​

  • Holding on to Past Hurts or Grudges

  • Bitterness 

  • Envy and Gossip

  • Poor Communication Skills

  • Psychosomatic Issues 

  • Obsessive Thinking

  • Compulsive Fixing, Helping or Apologizing

  • Anger and Irritable 

Dr. Thomas Lynch, RO DBT Treatment Developer

"Individuals with disorders of overcontrol are often quietly suffering, even though their suffering may not be apparent."


Houston Office

4203 Montrose Blvd #310, Houston, TX 77006

Denver Office - Arvada

8795 Ralston Rd #260, Arvada, CO 80002



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(720) 663-8640

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